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i wan't to be always contradicted. Keep that in mind whenever you read my posts.

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009

A dialog with a robot

This text is actualy a small piece of my first book, called Os visitantes, or, The newcommers. Altough there are some parts of it that may seem hard to understand because it's has been set apart from the rest of the book, it should work as "myth of the cave" from Plato.

- It has been turned on. You may aks it questions at will. It'll answer naturaly.
- What does that mean? "Naturaly"?
- Means it will give an answer base on a patern. It cannot chance.

Augusto looked at me confused.

- You have any ideas, Roberto?
- I think so. Matias, you said that he has choosen to die, right?
- Yes.

The robot was blinking, but ramained in total silence. It was looknig at us and undertanding what we were saying, but didn't really seem to care.

- Why do you wanna die?
- Because i'm tired and have seen how ignorant and primitive are the people from this planet. I've spent my entire life educating men, and really helped some of them to reach the smell. But there are too many men in your world, and some of them would take decades to even consider opening their minds, so that, then, they would understand the smell. I've already completed my mission.
- What do you mean by smell?
- Don't you use the word smell, essence and aroma to define to the actual nature of things?
- So the smell is tha Truth! - exclaimed Augusto
- You don't have an acurate language to understand this definition. We have several words that can only be translated as truth in your langague. It’s terribly primitive.
- Yes, but i get it. - I said
- What's the smell, then? - Asked Augusto
- As i cannot learn, i can't teach either.
- What?
- I cannot understand you.
- But you know the smell!
- I know my smell.
- But don't you know our race?
- I have full knowledge about you genetical structures, as the rest of the biological nature. I was the last genetical engineer to shape my species.
- You mean that it was you who made you species this small?
- No. We where already small at my birthday.
- Then what kind of shaping did you do?
- Esthetical adaptations and adaptation to the polution.
- If you know all that about us, then why can't you understand me?
- I can no longer understand anything
- Why not?
- The structure of my thoughs is not real. This that speaks to you is nothing but a copy of a man that existed, but is gone. I'm not human and i'll never be one.
- So you have to be human to understand me?
- Yes, i need to be capable of changing.
- And you don't change?
- I can never change. I'm nothing but a machine created with the mental structure of a man that has already choosen to die. actualy, acording to my parameters, my creation is a mistake.
- Do you have a memory sistem?
- Yes
- Doesn't you memories change you paradigms?
- I have no paradigms. Only parameters. I'm exactly what i'm suposed to be and nothing else.
- Can you give us information about your memories?
- Yes, i can.
- Who have created you?
- The one who brings Knowledge and the future. The son of the man that had his mental structure copied to my parameters. As the parameters say, my creation is nothing but a proof of how imature he was. He was only fourty, after all. This was a great lesson in the artifical inteligence issues.
- Can you repeat the conversation you had with him?
- No. He does not authorize that.
- Then can you at leats explain the situation?
- He asked me an advice about a woman. As i couldn't give it to him, because i cannot change, he was taken by a childish agressive inpulse and destroyed parts of my robotic body with a steel bar.
- What do you understand about steel?
- It is exactly the name you give to this peculiar combination os chemical elements.
- So he could raise a steel bar with his own hands?
- Yes. He used the gravity control device.
- You're against the project to help my planet and enhabitate it?
- This is the only planet that was known to shelter life. Our resource where to last one hundred earth years after we got to the destination thanks to the chemical recycling system. During our trip our race has been adapted to endure your atmosphere. The judgement of the onwer of this mind is that hid mission was to help the population of the ship to get to the planet, and not to enhabitate it altough he suported the contact, he was not willing to do it himself.
- And you is he not a coward, then?
- He used to think that our race wasn't suposed to live for so long.
- I'm sick and tired of this whole "suposed to" thing. How the hell did he know what he was suposed to do anyway? Selfish man!
- It is you that is selfish, acording to this man's set of values. You think only about your own growing and not on his fellings and toughts, wich are different from yours.

I was astonished by the things that robot was saying. For the first time in my life i actualy felt correctly judged, and even though i knew it was saying the truth, i tried to argument.

- If you have no actual values, as you are only a copy of a man, then how can you even start to judge me?
- Stereotyping. A superficial identification with previous known patterns of behavior. I'm coming from the preassunption that you're exactly like someone recorded in this parameter system.
- Is that person dead?
- No but, the he changed and i cannot understand him enymore, since i can't change.
- Who is he?
- The one who brings Knowledge and the future.

In front of that i felt small. Really small. That wise man who was smart enough to create such a robot was classified as imature in this society. I was probably a lot less wise than him, and the robot tought i was imature to look like him. On earth i used to feel mature, but in here, everything i could see was how childish i really am.

- I don't understand. I always tought that becoming who i really am was my point of living.
- That is only the begginig. What you call becoming yourself is nothing but releasnig yourself, becoming free. Then, and only then, a man can be wise. After he's free from himself and from the world.
- But becoming myself seems to go against the ideia that i should release myself from me.
- Your form of even thinkig is primitive, acording to the stereotyped comparison interpertation. You don't understand the smell, and that's why you separate things that should not be separated. After commiting such mistake, you say that the parts of the same things cannot remain togheter, chelanging the very nature of things. You create you'r own primitive world of myths, believe it, and will never be set free until you don't realease yourself of such contradictory e circular logicas falacies.
- Tell me more about my mistake.
- Reaching your essence is precisely setting youtself free, for when a man is tied up in such arbitarities like the one you where talking about he can never be himself. That type of contradiction has been created by you in the moment that you choose to use only rationality to understand things. A man that reaches himself gets released at the same time, but released from the mistakes he used to indetify himself with. He set himself free from childish realities where he wants to make the universe look exactly like he thinks. This is only the result of the primitive educational system of your planet.

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