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i wan't to be always contradicted. Keep that in mind whenever you read my posts.

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

Eu e a Deusa(me and the goddess

- You’re a really powerfull woman, you know?
- Really? Tell me about it…
- Yeah. This world is not yet ready to deal with such a great inner presence. You’ve been awaken, and that’s beatifull. But…
- But…?
- Sometimes it seems to me like you really wanted to be a human. You know, to just cry on someone’s shoulder. To deliver yourself.
- Are you not a clever boy?
- But there’s something you don’t realize…
- Bring me the light.
- It’s that it would be a lifetime reward for someone to have you crying on one’s shoulder. Getting out with your soul, that even though is powerfull, is so lonely…
- You’re just trying to seduce me…
- I’m actualy not, but it feel good that you see what I say in this perspective.
- How’s that?
- Means that if that were my intention, then it would be working.
- How can you be sure?
- I can’t. it’s just good to believe it…

How could I describe that moment? We never kissed or anything, but she looked at me so deeply. Maybe I really touched her. Who knows?
Guess I’ll just have to come back to my real world. Somethings are just beyond my grasp…
Or not.

Isn’t something missing?

Is not everything fucked up?
Yeah, maybe for tonight…
Because unfortunately,
My eyes are open.

Perhaps tomorrow I’ll be better.
I’ll wake ip in my own fantasy world.
Yeah, I can love her there.
She can love me back…

No harm, no sin…

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